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Receipt Tracking, Reimagined
QuickReceipts is a privacy-first receipt tracking app. Scan paper receipts and import email receipts, all in one place.
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4.8 Stars
on the App Store
QuickReceipts hero image showing the receipt list


email receipts processed


paper receipts stored


receipts tagged

All done on device

On-device processing and storage is our promise to value our users’ privacy. Learn how this technology protects you and your data.

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I’ve been using Quick Receipts for over a year now to track my sales tax outlay for tax time. If you have Gmail it’s super easy to import and if not the camera portion is good, too. I was wondering how it might be since most “privacy focused” anything’s tend to have a less than optimal user experience and this team has worked out both in spades. It’s so easy that I’ve gotten my 72 year old mother using it unsupervised with only a single introductory lesson.

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This app is great! It’s very easy to use and makes tracking all those expenses a breeze!!!

D. Davi$
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This is so far my favorite receipt scanner. It does the location and scans the receipt.

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This app has been an organizational lifesaver! As an avid shopper I have found my emailed receipts getting lost in my overcrowded inbox and QuickReceipts has helped me organize them into one easy to use spot!

Mara St.
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Hard to find another receipt tracking app like this. Thanks for this! Hope you continue development!


Our users love what we are building


We reimagined the receipt tracking experience from the ground up

Add paper and email receipts all from one app

There are multiple ways to add receipts to the app. Take a live picture of your receipts or import them from a photo album.

Add receipt options
Inbox import screen

Connect to Gmail and import email receipts. No forwarding needed

Import receipts directly from your Gmail inbox, or automatically import them with our inbox sync feature. No forwarding needed.

Manage receipts with intuitive, easy-to-use features

Tag, flag, and share your receipts with a simple, modern design that feels similar to your favorite iPhone apps.

QuickReceipts receipt detail page with manage actions
QuickReceipts spending overview

Track spending with deep and insightful overviews

Monitor your spending with helpful weekly, monthly, and yearly overviews. Review by vendors, tags, or as a whole.

Utilize Tags to organize receipts and review spending by category

Categorize your receipts with Tags and analyze your spending with helpful overview charts and more.

QuickReceipts Tag overview
QuickReceipts vendor overview

Discover quick spending patterns from each vendor

Our on-device intelligence gives you deep insights about each vendor.


A truly flexible solution for all your receipt needs

Whether you’re tracking receipts for personal use or for work-related purposes, we have you covered.

QuickReceipts Overview screen depicting a spending summary for the week
Start tracking receipts today.
Download today for free. Available exclusively on the Apple Store.
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